Dirty Bomb, formerly developed under the title Extraction, is a free-to-play MMOFPS developed by Splash Damage and published by Nexon. Set in a post-apocalyptic London, Dirty Bomb boasts a “higher skill ceiling” than other free-to-play shooters in that controllers are not natively supported and no auto aim or aim assist system is used forcing players to develop faster reactions and strategies through gameplay.
Additional Information
Dirty Bomb
Warchest Ltd.
Splash Damage
Minimum System Requirements
Windows 7 (64-bit)
5 GB
512MB - GeForce 7800GTX
2.33 GHz Dual Core
Dirty Bomb, formerly developed under the title Extraction, is a free-to-play MMOFPS developed by Splash Damage and published by Nexon. Set in a post-apocalyptic London, Dirty Bomb boasts a “higher skill ceiling” than other free-to-play shooters in that controllers are not natively supported and no auto aim or aim assist system is used forcing players to develop faster reactions and strategies through gameplay.
Dirty Bomb’s classes work in the form of “Mercs,” mercenaries that have various skill sets that range from being able to drop turrets to calling in orbital laser strikes. Players are allowed to select multiple Mercs before a match and swap between them between deaths as needed. Currently there are three primary gameplay modes in Dirty Bomb. Objective mode challenges both team to meet various objectives on the map and the match timer has time added as each objective is met. Stopwatch mode is a variation on Objective mode except this time, each team is given a chance to both attack and then defend the objectives. The fastest time overall wins. Finally, Execution mode. This mode is straight forward: Eliminate the opposing team or blow up the objective.
Dirty Bomb’s 5 maps can support up to 8v8 gameplay and the 18 available Mercs (as of this writing) offer a fair amount of diversity, speed, abilities, and usefulness in the game. The game also features the use of a card system to augment Merc loadouts. New players will want to search out a guide for their Merc of choice as this system, while explained, does require a bit of guidance.
Dirty Bomb’s system specs are a tad higher since the game environment is nicely detailed and player reports indicate that game performance may suffer on lower end machines.
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